Sunday, March 13, 2016

Help the school win a prize!

Jelmer Roorda of BV5a  has  made the short list for the GNE Awards Writing Contest.  You can help him win by voting for his piece at this link.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Planning FOA

This is the definitive schedule for the FOAs for my class:

  • Group 1: Lana, Sophie, Pim, Dominic 40 minutes  Tuesday, March 8th
  • Group 2: Famke, Daphne  20 minutes Monday, March 7th
  • Group 3: Jaap, Gavin (SDR), Fleur L (SDR) 25 minutes Wednesday February 10th
  • Group 4: Isabelle, Chahrazad 20 minutes Wednesday February 24th
  • Group 5: Pien, Fay 20 minutes Monday February 22nd
  • Group 6: Daniela, Arjen (SDR) 20 minutes Monday February 15th
  • Group 7: Giuseppe, Joram, Florens, 25 minutes Monday, March 7th
  • Group 8: Sebastiaan, Shifra (SDR) 20 minutes Monday February 15th
  • Group 9: Floris, Twan (SDR), Tim (SDR) 25 minutes Wednesday February 10th
  • Vincent 10 minutes Monday February 22nd
  • Titia 10 minutes Monday February 22nd
The times indicated are indicative.  For more detailed information, see the end of this post.

Note that should something prevent you from doing your FOA on the scheduled date, once this schedule has been completed, there is probably no way you can fit it into another lesson, unless you have arranged in advance to swap with a group whose FOA is the same length as yours.  Failure to do a second FOA will mean that no mark can be given to the IB for Internal Assessment, which is worth 30% of your entire IB mark.  To avoid this, if the FOA is largely video in which members participate, it may be possible to still give you a grade without you being present.  If not, the group must decide what is preferable:  the whole group must perform the FOA before an audience that they provide at some time outside of class when I and all members can be present and a room is available, or the group does the FOA without the missing member, and the member must arrange his own FOA with an audience at a time when I can be present and a room is available.

If your previous FOA was a PowerPoint/Prezi, you may not do so for this one.


Non-interactive (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi types of FOA)
•1 person = 10 minutes plus a maximum of 5 minutes of video that you are not in
•2 people = 20 minutes plus a maximum of 5 minutes of video that you are not in
•3 people = 25 minutes plus a maximum of 5 minutes of video that you are not in
Interactive (e.g., Roleplays, videos of interviews, mini-docs) – Time including video and live part*
*if video is fully scripted, must leave time for interactive class discussion
•2 people = 20 minutes, no more than 5 minutes of video that you are not in
•3 people = 30 minutes, no more than 5 minutes of video that you are not in
•4 people = 40 minutes, no more than 10 minutes of video that you are not in