Saturday, April 25, 2015

One-point errors

From now on, every time you make one of these errors, it will cost you One point off your grade for that assignment for each error!

  • Using "from" when the right word is "of" and vice versa.
  • "The boy his shoes" or "the girl her bag"
  • "Consists out of"
  • "Ofcourse"
  • "Eventhough"
  • "Make homework"
  • "Make a test"
  • "i" as a pronoun as a small letter.
  • "On school"
  • "Afterall"
  • "Succes" and "succesfull"
  • "I sport" or "I am a sporter"
  • "Your" or "youre" instead of "you're"
  • "All of a sudden" 
  • "mister" or "misses"

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